There are 5 different types of
Draco's marginality on the market today. The green variety, the tree-color, the bi-color, Colorama, and Magenta. The plants that have color in their names are varying shades of green, white, pink, and reds. Magenta has burgundy colored foliage that may turn green if under low light
The Dragon Tree is a popular houseplant that needs little attention. It requires a minimum temperature of 59F (15°C), and is more tolerant than most plants of dry soil and irregular watering, though liable to root decay in permanently wet soil. Because it requires minimal care it is very popular in offices where the constant heat and light suits their growing requirements.
It is one of the plants used in the NASA Clean Air Study and has shown to help remove formaldehyde.
Care tips:
- Water once a week. Allow the soil to dry to the touch about 1/3 down the pot.
- Under-watered plants will shed a large amount of totally yellow leaves from the lower portion of the head.
- Over-watered plants will have leaves that are yellow from the tip all towards the stem.
- Grows well in bright light to light shade. Do not put under the sun.
- Feed only once a year, the Draconian family does not like to be fertilized.